Star Hose: Company 3
Established 1898
2024 Company officers
Captain: Christopher Hanold
1st Lieutenant: Thomas Thorp
2nd Lieutenant: Joseph Holmes
Apparatus: 2015 Pierce Enforcer (1500/750)
The Star Hose Company was organized in the year 1898, as a juvenile company. It occupied quarters in a building on the property where the Eastern Shipyard was located. On September 1st, 1903, the Star Hose Company became a unit of the Greenport Fire Department. This same year they became members of the Department, the company ordered a four-wheel racing wagon, built at Bersenger’s carriage shop and won the dry hose race at the S.C.V.F.A tournament at Sag Harbor with the boys covering the course in 22 3-5 seconds.
In 1906 the Village ordered a four-wheel service wagon constructed at the Bersenger shop for the Star Hose Company, this was the first four-wheel service hose wagon in the Greenport Fire Department.
In 1913 the company moved into the quarters at the rear of Village Hall. On April 9th, 1917 the contract was awarded to the International Motor Company for a Mack combination hose wagon and chemical apparatus. This was the 2nd piece of motorized apparatus in the Greenport Fire Department.