2023 Annual report
Number of calls for 2023: 976
9 (stand-by): 13
12 (brush fire): 2
13 (Automatic alarm, smoke, etc.): 202
13-35 (Working Structure Fire): 1
14 (Vehicle Fire): 1
16 (ambulance/Rescue): 686
16-23 (MVA, water rescue, misc.): 23
16-59 (Routine Transport): 0
23 (CO alarm, Medi-vac): 43
24/13-35 (Mutual Aid Working Structure Fire): 1
24/16 (Mutual Aid Ambulance/Rescue): 3
24/16-23 (Mutual Aid MVA): 1
24/23 (Mutual Aid Water Rescue/Misc.): 0
26 (Boat Fire): 0
Breakdown of calls by location:
Within the incorporated Village of Greenport: 408 (41.8%)
Within the East/West Fire Protection District: 559 (57.3%)
Other (Mutual Aid): 9
Note: Department answered 13 less calls than 2022 (1% decrease)