Relief Hose Company 2
Established 1871
2024 Company officers
Captain: Robert E. Corwin
1st Lieutenant: Sam Strickland
2nd Lieutenant: Robert J. Corwin
Apparatus: 2000 KME Excel (1500/750)
In April, 1871, the Relief Hose Company, No. 2, was organized by a number of the citizens of the Village of Greenport. During the first few yeras of its existence the company was quartered with the Neptune Engine Company. After remaining in those quarters for a number of years the Relief Hose Company moved into the Phenix Hook and Ladder Company building, on the east side of Main Street.
On September 1st, 1899, when this building was destroyed by fire, the Relief Hose Company lost a valuable hose wagon, prizes which they had won at tournaments, furniture, and all the old record books of the company. After the completion of Fire Station No. 1. on South Street, Relief Hose and Phenix Hook and Ladder occupied this building.
In November 1920, the second of the powerful motor pumpers purchased by the Village were turned over to this company.